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Re-opening Part Three: Programming

Uncategorized May 01, 2020

We're pretty excited about this piece of re-opening! The fitness industry is going to be changed forever after this and one of the things that will change is people wanting expertise and science to ensure that their fitness program is the best it can be to get them as healthy and fit as possible. The days of large group one size fits all bootcamp style workouts are long gone.

We've already had coaches emailing us asking about our programming templates which we have been using for years and have only shared with our Mastermind Coaching Members. It's our secret sauce! Our Mastery of Program Design Course is available as part of our Inner Circle!

As you do re-open we have three responsibilities:

1. Safety: This is our first priority with our programming always. Now with Covid-19 among us this has to take a step up and this will affect your programming. Limitations such as not having anyone share equipment, keeping them 6 feet apart at all times and allowing time for hourly cleaning will change your programming and has to be first priority.

2. Effectiveness: You still have to get results even with the above limitations. People need to get a great workout while staying safe. How can you ensure that you can have a hard start and stop to the workout, allow time to clean, not share equipment and get it done?

3. Fun: Part of what our clients miss is the social aspect of our gyms. As much as we have to keep strict social distancing measures in place we have to find a way to keep it fun!

With all of the above in mind here are some of the programming ideas we are considering:

  • Groups of 3-4 each with a coach with their own "pod" of equipment. We have enough squat racks, barbells and weights to be able to set each client up with their own area. With the limitation of 10 people we will have two coaches working with 3-4 people each per hour. Here's an example of one of our mastermind members, Epic Fitness Utah's set up! Owner, Ben Fogel, who has been in Results Fitness University for 7 years and on our faculty for the past two years has done an outstanding job leading the way!

  • Workouts will be programmed off of a template so that each client is doing the same movement pattern within the workout. Goal will be to complete the workouts in 45 minutes to allow for 10-15 minutes of transition and cleaning.
  • Within the template each client will have a progressed or regressed version of each exercise while keeping the same movements to streamline the coaching process from teaching 4 different individualized programs with the time constraints.
  • Tracking loads, progression and progress will be very important and we will be using our brand new Bridge Athletic Software to track everything everyone is doing.

Click here for Part Four: Marketing


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