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Re-Opening Part Four: Marketing

Uncategorized May 04, 2020

For our last topic in this series of re-opening we are going to touch on marketing because if you haven't thought through your marketing strategy as you get back in your gym you should start to think about it now. As the fitness industry will have dramatically changed as we reopen our gyms. Many gyms won't be reopening, those of us who are, have to find a new normal and a new level of professionalism with sanitation and safety being a higher priority than ever, many gyms won't be able to live up to the standards. There will be opportunity to stand out!

In addition, people will be more motivated than ever to figure out how to be healthy and fit with strong immune systems wanting experts to help them to make exercise a priority.

Start to build your marketing "funnels" now. A funnel simply means you are putting the right message in front of the right people to start to build a relationship of knowing, liking and trusting you to eventually want to learn more from you and finally invest in your services.

1. Figure out who your market is, where they are and what problem they have that you can solve. Fortunately right now we know everyone is in their living rooms, many scrolling on their phones through their social media platforms which is a great place to get in front of them right now.

2. The first step of your funnel is to put out great content that resonates with your audience and invite them to join your email list to get even more value. If you don't have an email database set up, do that now.

3. Send out regular emails, post regular content and give people a chance to get to know you as the expert you are. You can do this now whether you're reopening soon or not.

4. Start to think about the different funnels you can have in your marketing including - People wanting to get healthy & fit to avoid getting sick. People have all new motivation now! And there will also be people, more and more of them as time goes on, who have had Covid-19 and want to make a comeback after being that sick. I think expertise is going to be in high demand in our industry.

Remember your income will be in direct correlation to your relationship with your list. Build your email and social media lists everyday and communicate frequently with them to build a relationship so they will be ready to take the next step to hire you.

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