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You've reached the hub of Results Fitness Continuing Education where you'll find the opportunities & resources we have to learn exactly how we built and run one of the Top Ten Gyms in the United States as voted by Men’s Health Magazine. Learn about our various seminars, mentorships, and other opportunities to learn the systems, the philosophies and everything that turns the wheels of Results Fitness, and how you can recreate it in your business. Be sure to sign up for our weekly updates.

Dedicated to your success,

Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove and The Results Fitness Team

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Our next online mentorship is OPEN now for enrollment!


Spend 8-weeks working closely with Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove learning the Ins & Outs of every system, strategy and idea they use to run Results Fitness, and the hundreds of Results Fitness affiliate gyms they coach. 

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"Before joining Results Fitness University, I had to try to run my business all by myself. Now that I have this group, I can learn from the best practices of others and share my own insights. I don't need to reinvent the wheel and neither do they. They are also some of the most enjoyable, inspiring people I can imagine being around. This was the best business decision that I've ever made!"

Alec Liberman
Owner of On Target Fitness, Portsmouth, NH

How To Run A Successful Fitness Business

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